Day 30

Giant gorgeous album cover

主唱Alba Armengou不光声音吸引人长相也可爱有评论说她的声音sweet & smoky我深以为然特别是低音上编曲也明白这点给她的歌曲都有可以发挥的低音段落一开始我以为crazy huecrazy heel还说这姑娘发音好有感觉很懂嘛www吹萨克斯的老爷爷和弹钢琴的小哥也很棒只不过没有主唱可爱这里就不多说了




Those silk shiny stockings
That I wear when I'm with you
I wear 'cause you told me
That you dig that crazy hue

Do we feel the romance
When we go to the dance
Oh no, you take a glance
At those shiny stockings

Then came along some chick
With great big stockings, too
When you changed your mind about me
Why, I never knew

I guess I'll have to find
A new, a new kind
A guy who digs my shiny stockings, too

Then came along some chick
With great big stockings, too
When you changed your mind about me
Why, I never knew

I guess I'll have to find
A new, a new kind
A guy who digs my shiny stockings, too
A new guy who digs my shiny stockings, too

Joan Chamorro presenta, Alba Armengou & Scott Hamilton & Sant Andreu Jazz Band

Alba Armengou ( voz)
Joan Chamorro ( dirección)
Scott Hamilton ( invitado especial , saxo tenor )

Joan Martí, saxo alto
Joana Casanova, saxo alto
Marçal Perramon, saxo tenor
Èlia Bastida, saxo tenor
Alba Esteban, saxo baritono

Joan Mar Sauqué, trompeta
Victor Carrascosa, trompeta
Elsa Armengou, trompeta

Joan Codina, trombon
Max Tato, trombon

Jan Domenech, piano
Carla Motis, guitarra
Miquel Casanova, contrabajo
Pablo Ruiz, Bateria

Grabación David Casamitjana
Materización Josep Roig en Temps Rercor
Video Ramón Tort