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Painless Transition to Portable Dumper

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Emacs 27 is coming with many exciting new features including the portable dumper. There has been attempts to use portable dumper to speed up Emacs startup. I know Spacemacs does this from a long time ago 1. But I couldn’t find any post on using portable dumper for one’s home-brew init.el. I eventually figured out how. In this post I’ll show gotcha’s I found, the general design I use, and some fixes, hacks and tricks I came up with.

With portable dumper, my startup time reduced from 2.47s to 0.76s (3x). This is on Mac, it should be even faster on Linux. Even better, all it takes are ~30 lines of code, and the startup without a dump file works like before.

<2020-01-27 Mon>
Note: Eli says bug-free dumping of custom Emacs is not a goal for Emacs 272. However, dumping only packages, selectively, works fine for me.

1 General Design

Start a vanilla Emacs, load packages, dump the image out. Then you start Emacs with this dump file. The point is to speed up packages that you can’t autoload — those you want immediately after startup. For example, company, ivy/helm, which-key, use-package, themes, highlight-parentheses. Other parts of init don’t change.

I created a init file for the dump process, ~/.emacs.d/dump.el, this will dump to /Users/yuan/.emacs.d/emacs.pdmp.

          emacs --batch -q -l ~/.emacs.d/dump.el

Once dumped, I can start Emacs with the dump file 3 (use root path, not ~!):

emacs --dump-file="/Users/yuan/.emacs.d/emacs.pdmp"

A minimal dump.el:

(require 'package)
;; load autoload files and populate load-path’s
;; (package-initialize) doens’t require each package, we need to load
;; those we want manually
(dolist (package '(use-package company ivy counsel org helpful
                    general helpful use-package general which-key
                    recentf-ext swiper ivy-prescient find-char
                    aggressive-indent windman doom-themes winner
                    elec-pair doom-one-light-theme
                    doom-cyberpunk-theme rainbow-delimiters
                    highlight-parentheses hl-todo buffer-move
                    savehist eyebrowse minions ws-butler
                    expand-region isolate outshine flyspell magit
  (require package))
;; dump image
(dump-emacs-portable "~/.emacs.d/emacs.pdmp")

Now let’s extend this minimal configuration with fixes and enhancements.

2 Gotcha’s

So it seems trivial: I (package-initialize) and (require) every package in dump.el, and everything works, except that it doesn’t. For one, load-path is not stored in the dump image 4. You need to store load-path in another variable.

In dump.el:

(setq luna-dumped-load-path load-path)
(dump-emacs-portable "~/.emacs.d/emacs.pdmp")

In init.el:

(setq load-path luna-dumped-load-path)

Second, when you start Emacs with a dump file, some default modes are not enabled:

  • transient-mark-mode
  • global-font-lock-mode

So you need to turn them on in init.el.

And global-undo-tree-mode makes Emacs segfault during dumping (didn’t verify, Spacemacs says so, but why would you enable it when dumping anyway?) Spacemacs also says winner-mode and global-undo-tree mode doesn’t live through dumping. I don’t dump them so that doesn’t affect me, but watch out.

Third, you can’t use ~ in the --dump-file command line flag. Otherwise, Emacs complains about “cannot open dump file”. The dump file loads in very early stage, many variables are not known yet, so ~ won’t expand.

Fourth, scratch buffer behaves differently when Emacs starts with a dump file. From what I can see, lisp-interaction-mode is not enabled.

(add-hook 'after-init-hook
                (lambda ()
                    (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")

<2020-01-27 Mon>
As a side note (kindly provided by Damien Cassou), (a relatively new version of) Magit uses dynamic modules, which is not dumpable. So don’t require Magit in your dump. The portable dumper doesn’t dump window configurations either, BTW.

Now the dump.el is:

(require 'package)
;; load autoload files and populate load-path’s
;; store load-path
(setq luna-dumped-load-path load-path)
;; (package-initialize) doens’t require each package, we need to load
;; those we want manually
(dolist (package '(use-package company ivy counsel org helpful
                    general helpful use-package general which-key
                    recentf-ext swiper ivy-prescient find-char
                    aggressive-indent windman doom-themes winner
                    elec-pair doom-one-light-theme
                    doom-cyberpunk-theme rainbow-delimiters
                    highlight-parentheses hl-todo buffer-move
                    savehist eyebrowse minions ws-butler
                    expand-region isolate outshine flyspell magit
  (require package))
;; dump image
(dump-emacs-portable "xxx")


(add-hook 'after-init-hook
                (lambda ()
                    (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")

3 Tricks

3.1 Keep non-dump-file startup working as before

I want my configuration to still work without a dump file. This is what I do:

;; in init.el
(defvar luna-dumped nil
  "non-nil when a dump file is loaded.
(Because dump.el sets this variable).")

(defmacro luna-if-dump (then &rest else)
  "Evaluate IF if running with a dump file, else evaluate ELSE."
  (declare (indent 1))
  `(if luna-dumped

;; in dump.el
(setq luna-dumped t)

I use the luna-if-dump in init.el at where two startup process differs:

      (setq load-path luna-dumped-load-path)
      (add-hook 'after-init-hook
                (lambda ()
                    (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")
  ;; add load-path’s and load autoload files

In a dump-file startup, we don’t need to (package-initialize) because it’s done during dumping, but we need to load load-path and fix other gotcha’s.

3.2 Dump packages selectively

Blindly dumping every package is a recipe for weird errors. I only dump those I want immediately on startup (company, ivy/helm) and those are big (org). Not that dumping everything won’t work, but it takes more energy to get everything right.

3.3 Dumping themes speeds things up

When profiling my startup with esup, I found Emacs spends 70% of the time loading the theme.

Total User Startup Time: 1.063sec
Total Number of GC Pauses: 21
Total GC Time: 0.646sec

doom-one-light-theme.el:5  0.755sec   71%
(def-doom-theme doom-one-light
"A light theme inspired by Atom One"

Dumping themes is not as simple as adding (load-theme theme) to dump.el, if you do that, Emacs complains and doesn’t load the theme. I guess that’s because it’s in batch mode. Instead, require your themes like other libraries and loads them without enabling them.

;; in dump.el
(require 'doom-themes)
(require 'doom-one-light-theme)
;; the two flags are no-confirm and no-enable
(load-theme 'doom-one-light-theme t t)

In init.el, we enable the theme, instead of loading it. Unlike require, load-theme doesn’t check if the theme is already loaded. So we need to use enable-theme.

;; in init.el
(when window-system
      (enable-theme 'doom-one-light)
    (load-theme 'doom-one-light)))

The speed up is significant:

init.el:87  0.034sec   7%
(when window-system
(enable-theme 'doom-one-light)
(luna-load-theme nil t)))

3.4 Complete example dump.el & init.el

With everything I just talked about:

(require 'package)
;; load autoload files and populate load-path’s
;; store load-path
(setq luna-dumped-load-path load-path
      luna-dumped t)
;; (package-initialize) doens’t require each package, we need to load
;; those we want manually
(dolist (package '(use-package company ivy counsel org helpful
                    general helpful use-package general which-key
                    recentf-ext swiper ivy-prescient find-char
                    aggressive-indent windman doom-themes winner
                    elec-pair doom-one-light-theme
                    doom-cyberpunk-theme rainbow-delimiters
                    highlight-parentheses hl-todo buffer-move
                    savehist eyebrowse minions ws-butler
                    expand-region isolate outshine flyspell magit
  (require package))
;; pre-load themes
(load-theme 'doom-one-light-theme t t)
(load-theme 'doom-cyberpunk-theme t t)
;; dump image
(dump-emacs-portable "~/.emacs.d/emacs.pdmp")


      (setq load-path luna-dumped-load-path)
      (add-hook 'after-init-hook
                (lambda ()
                    (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")
  ;; add load-path’s and load autoload files
;; load theme
(when window-system
      (enable-theme 'doom-one-light)

After everything works, I wrapped dump file’s path with variables and added defvar for variables I introduced, etc.

(Update <2020-03-08 Sun>) I forgot to mention how I dump Emacs from within Emacs:

(defun luna-dump ()
  "Dump Emacs."
  (let ((buf "*dump process*"))
     :name "dump"
     :buffer buf
     :command (list "emacs" "--batch" "-q"
                    "-l" (expand-file-name "dump.el"
    (display-buffer buf)))

4 Final notes

You can be more aggressive and dump all packages and init files. But 1) since current approach is fast enough, the marginal benefit you get hardly justifies the effort; 2) if you dump your init files, you need to re-dump every time you change your configuration. Oh, and there are a bunch of Lisp objects that cannot be dumped, e.g., window configurations, frames. Just think about the work needed to handle those in your init files. If you really care that much about speed, Dark Side is always awaiting.

5 Some fixes and hacks

Here I record some problems I encountered that’s not related to dumping.

5.1 recentf-ext

When dumping recentf-ext, I found some problems and changed two places in recentf-ext.el. It has a (recentf-mode 1) as a top level form. That means recentf-mode enables whenever recentf-ext.el loads. Not good. I removed it. It also has a line requiring for cl even though it didn’t use it, I removed that as well. My fork is at here.

5.2 Use esup with dump file

(Update <2021-02-13 Sat>: I now recommend benchmark-init over esup.)

esup is a great way to see what package is taking most time in startup. It helps me find what packages to dump. However, esup doesn’t support loading dump files, and we need to modify it a bit. We also want to know if we are in esup child process, so we don’t start an Emacs server (and do other things differently, depends on your configuration). Go to esup in esup.el (by find-library), and change the process-args:

 "-L" ,esup-load-path
 "-l" "esup-child"
 ;; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 "--eval (setq luna-in-esup t)"
 ;; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ,(format "--eval=(esup-child-run \"%s\" \"%s\" %d)"

6 Other speedup tricks

6.1 early-init.el

This post talks about early-init.el speedup. Here is my early-init.el.

6.2 Start with correct frame size

Normally Emacs starts with a small frame, and if you have (toggle-frame-maximized), it later expands to the full size. You can eliminate this annoying flicker and make Emacs show up with full frame size. I learned it from this emacs-china post. Basically you use -g (for geometry) and --font flags together to size the startup frame. I use

            ~/bin/emacs -g 151x50 -font "SF Mono-13"

At the point (<2020-01-18 Sat>) you can’t use --dump-file with -g and -font because of a bug, but it should be fixed soon. Track it here.

6.3 Eliminate theme flicker

Manateelazycat sets default background to theme background in custom.el. This way Emacs starts with your theme’s background color, instead of white.



And people have been using the old dumping facility for a even longer time, you can find more on EmacsWiki.


Quote from reddit:

Caveat emptor: Re-dumping is still not 100% bug-free in the current Emacs codebase (both the emacs-27 release branch and master). There are known issues, and quite probably some unknown ones. Making re-dumping bug-free is not a goal for Emacs 27.1, so this feature should be at this point considered as experimental "use at your own risk" one.


Apart from --dump-file, --dump also works, even though emacs --help doesn’t mention it. Spacemacs uses --dump.


You can find more about it in Emacs 27’s Manual. I was foolish enough to read the online manual (Emacs 26 at the time) and not aware of the load-path thing until I read Spacemacs’s implementation.

Written by Yuan Fu

First Published in 2020-01-17 Fri 23:34

Last modified in 2021-02-13 Sat 22:40

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