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You may want to format your Org notes nicely and to prepare them for
export and publication. To export the current buffer, type C-c
C-e (org-export
) anywhere in an Org buffer. This command
prompts for an export format; currently supported formats include
HTML, LaTeX, Texinfo, OpenDocument (.odt), iCalendar,
Markdown, man-page, and PDF. Some formats, such as PDF, require
certain system tools to be installed.
To export several files at once to a specific directory, either
locally or over the network, you must define a list of projects
through the variable org-publish-project-alist
. See its
documentation for details.
Org supports a simple markup scheme for applying text formatting to exported documents:
- This text is /emphasized/ - This text is *in bold* - This text is _underlined_ - This text uses =a teletype font= #+begin_quote ``This is a quote.'' #+end_quote #+begin_example This is an example. #+end_example
For further details, Exporting in The Org Manual, and Publishing in The Org Manual.