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28.1.5 Registering a File for Version Control

C-x v i

Register the visited file for version control.

The command C-x v i (vc-register) registers each file in the current VC fileset, placing it under version control. This is essentially equivalent to the action of C-x v v on an unregistered VC fileset (see Basic VC Editing), except that if the VC fileset is already registered, C-x v i signals an error whereas C-x v v performs some other action.

To register a file, Emacs must choose a version control system. For a multi-file VC fileset, the VC Directory buffer specifies the system to use (see VC Directory Mode). For a single-file VC fileset, if the file’s directory already contains files registered in a version control system, or if the directory is part of a directory tree controlled by a version control system, Emacs chooses that system. In the event that more than one version control system is applicable, Emacs uses the one that appears first in the variable vc-handled-backends (see Customizing VC). If Emacs cannot find a version control system to register the file under, it prompts for a repository type, creates a new repository, and registers the file into that repository.

On most version control systems, registering a file with C-x v i or C-x v v adds it to the working tree but not to the repository. Such files are labeled as ‘added’ in the VC Directory buffer, and show a revision ID of ‘@@’ in the mode line. To make the registration take effect in the repository, you must perform a commit (see Basic VC Editing). Note that a single commit can include both file additions and edits to existing files.

On a locking-based version control system (see VCS Merging), registering a file leaves it unlocked and read-only. Type C-x v v to start editing it.

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