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C-x v +

On a decentralized version control system, update the current branch by “pulling in” changes from another location.

On a centralized version control system, update the current VC fileset.

On a decentralized version control system, the command C-x v + (vc-pull) updates the current branch and working tree. It is typically used to update a copy of a remote branch. If you supply a prefix argument, the command prompts for the exact version control command to use, which lets you specify where to pull changes from. Otherwise, it pulls from a default location determined by the version control system.

Amongst decentralized version control systems, C-x v + is currently supported only by Bazaar, Git, and Mercurial. On Bazaar, it calls bzr pull for ordinary branches (to pull from a master branch into a mirroring branch), and bzr update for a bound branch (to pull from a central repository). On Git, it calls git pull to fetch changes from a remote repository and merge it into the current branch. On Mercurial, it calls hg pull -u to fetch changesets from the default remote repository and update the working directory.

Prior to pulling, you can use C-x v I (vc-log-incoming) to view a log buffer of the changes to be applied. See VC Change Log.

On a centralized version control system like CVS, C-x v + updates the current VC fileset from the repository.