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12.3.3 Secondary Selection

In addition to the primary selection, the X Window System provides a second similar facility known as the secondary selection. Nowadays, few X applications make use of the secondary selection, but you can access it using the following Emacs commands:


Set the secondary selection, with one end at the place where you press down the button, and the other end at the place where you release it (mouse-set-secondary). The selected text is highlighted, using the secondary-selection face, as you drag. The window scrolls automatically if you drag the mouse off the top or bottom of the window, just like mouse-set-region (see Mouse Commands).

This command does not alter the kill ring.


Set one endpoint for the secondary selection (mouse-start-secondary).


Set the secondary selection, with one end at the position clicked and the other at the position specified with M-Mouse-1 (mouse-secondary-save-then-kill). This also puts the selected text in the kill ring. A second M-Mouse-3 at the same place kills the secondary selection just made.


Insert the secondary selection where you click, placing point at the end of the yanked text (mouse-yank-secondary).

Double or triple clicking of M-Mouse-1 operates on words and lines, much like Mouse-1.

If mouse-yank-at-point is non-nil, M-Mouse-2 yanks at point. Then it does not matter precisely where you click, or even which of the frame’s windows you click on. See Mouse Commands.