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33.11.1 Making Summaries

Here are the commands to create a summary for the current Rmail buffer. Once the Rmail buffer has a summary, changes in the Rmail buffer (such as deleting or expunging messages, and getting new mail) automatically update the summary.


Summarize all messages (rmail-summary).

l labels RET
C-M-l labels RET

Summarize messages that have one or more of the specified labels (rmail-summary-by-labels).

C-M-r rcpts RET

Summarize messages that match the specified recipients (rmail-summary-by-recipients).

C-M-t topic RET

Summarize messages that have a match for the specified regexp topic in their subjects (rmail-summary-by-topic).

C-M-s regexp RET

Summarize messages whose headers match the specified regular expression regexp (rmail-summary-by-regexp).

C-M-f senders RET

Summarize messages that match the specified senders. (rmail-summary-by-senders).

The h or C-M-h (rmail-summary) command fills the summary buffer for the current Rmail buffer with a summary of all the messages in the buffer. It then displays and selects the summary buffer in another window.

C-M-l labels RET (rmail-summary-by-labels) makes a partial summary mentioning only the messages that have one or more of the labels labels. labels should contain label names separated by commas.

C-M-r rcpts RET (rmail-summary-by-recipients) makes a partial summary mentioning only the messages that have one or more recipients matching the regular expression rcpts. You can use commas to separate multiple regular expressions. These are matched against the ‘To’, ‘From’, and ‘CC’ headers (supply a prefix argument to exclude this header).

C-M-t topic RET (rmail-summary-by-topic) makes a partial summary mentioning only the messages whose subjects have a match for the regular expression topic. You can use commas to separate multiple regular expressions. With a prefix argument, the match is against the whole message, not just the subject.

C-M-s regexp RET (rmail-summary-by-regexp) makes a partial summary that mentions only the messages whose headers (including the date and the subject lines) match the regular expression regexp.

C-M-f senders RET (rmail-summary-by-senders) makes a partial summary that mentions only the messages whose ‘From’ fields match the regular expression senders. You can use commas to separate multiple regular expressions.

Note that there is only one summary buffer for any Rmail buffer; making any kind of summary discards any previous summary.

The variable rmail-summary-window-size says how many lines to use for the summary window. The variable rmail-summary-line-count-flag controls whether the summary line for a message should include the line count of the message. Setting this option to nil might speed up the generation of summaries.

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