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25.8.2 Outline Motion Commands

Outline mode provides special motion commands that move backward and forward to heading lines.

C-c C-n

Move point to the next visible heading line (outline-next-visible-heading).

C-c C-p

Move point to the previous visible heading line (outline-previous-visible-heading).

C-c C-f

Move point to the next visible heading line at the same level as the one point is on (outline-forward-same-level).

C-c C-b

Move point to the previous visible heading line at the same level (outline-backward-same-level).

C-c C-u

Move point up to a lower-level (more inclusive) visible heading line (outline-up-heading).

C-c C-n (outline-next-visible-heading) moves down to the next heading line. C-c C-p (outline-previous-visible-heading) moves similarly backward. Both accept numeric arguments as repeat counts.

C-c C-f (outline-forward-same-level) and C-c C-b (outline-backward-same-level) move from one heading line to another visible heading at the same depth in the outline. C-c C-u (outline-up-heading) moves backward to another heading that is less deeply nested.