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25.13.3 Editing Format Information

The easiest way to alter properties is with the Text Properties menu. You can get to this menu from the Edit menu in the menu bar (see Menu Bar), or with C-Mouse-2 (see Menu Mouse Clicks). Some of the commands in the Text Properties menu are listed below (you can also invoke them with M-x):

Remove Face Properties

Remove face properties from the region (facemenu-remove-face-props).

Remove Text Properties

Remove all text properties from the region, including face properties (facemenu-remove-all).

Describe Properties

List all text properties and other information about the character following point (describe-text-properties).

Display Faces

Display a list of defined faces (list-faces-display). See Faces.

Display Colors

Display a list of defined colors (list-colors-display). See Colors.

The other menu entries are described in the following sections.